Hi. I’m not sure if anyone is going to see this, and I hope this doesn’t count as self promoting or anything, but I am currently working on a full game series. It’s meant to be like a parody of mascot horror. I titled it “Duck Duck Gore”. I just figured I should make it public since it isn’t yet. The game is similar to most other mascot horror games: you get trapped somewhere that looks child friendly, but it actually has “”sCaRy MoNsTeRs!!!” in there, and you have to escape while some mascot tries to kill you. Except here, the game is meant to be ironic and use all of the mascot horror cliches for comedic effect. It’s not actually supposed to be scary or anything. The main antagonists of the game are not all ducks, they are just all of the birds used for poultry. The main antagonist is a duck, however. His name is Bobbert. Currently, his model is not complete yet but it will be. (see model down below) The other characters will be revealed some time later.
If anyone is interested, please let me know. Again, I really hope this doesn’t count as self-promoting. I just really wanted to make my game public knowledge. Thanks.
More coming soon!